18 Nov

‘Stortality’, advanced performance management for attorneys

LAW Compliance, part of the Johannesburg-based LAW Holdings Group, has launched a new value-added service for all attorneys using their online FICA & document management solution Stordoc.

Stordoc offers a complete, secure online FICA & document management solution for secure scanning, to enforce all FICA rules and to review electronic documents.  It is currently being used by several of the major financial institutions and most conveyancing legal practitioners in South Africa.

Stortality comprises of several offerings, one of them being New Advanced Reports which provides the law firm with every metric around Stordoc imaginable, as well Advanced Training via monthly webinars.

“We decided to use all the valuable data at our disposal and compile a series of well-organised graphs and statistics, which will provide the attorneys with a holistic view of their Stordoc performance. The main goal is to empower and educate partners, office managers and senior conveyancers to effortlessly see exactly what is happening with all their Stordoc matters, in terms of volumes and performance of the firm, as well as their individual users.  Thereafter advanced training is available to all users from the comfort of their offices,” commented Elbe Young, a key account manager, who is managing Stortality.

For more information on the above, please email us on stortality@lawcompliance.co.za

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